Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS) is a curriculum development project co-funded by EU Erasmus+Programme to address the issue of sustainability of seafood production, supply and consumption through need-based higher education, and vocational training. The project is for 36 months starting from October 2017. It aims to build capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and strengthen linkages among institutions and individuals.
Project activities include inception workshop, identification of needs and gap analysis in existing aquaculture / fisheries curricula and development of new curricula for SSNS program. It also includes accreditation of curricula. Project outcomes and achievements will be disseminated organizing a symposium and made available online.

Curriculum Development
Sustainable Seafood & Nutrition Security (SSNS)

Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union
Activities and outputs / deliverables
Please click on the workpackage for their deliverables

WP1 - (Work-package 1) - Gap analysis click here
Existing similar curricula in Europe were identified. Weaknesses, gaps and needs in Asia were assessed. Based on these three four reports have been prepared. The following diagram shows the steps in brief what we did.
WP2 - Development of curricula and capacity-building
Professionals from Asian partners visited Europe and then develop new curricula and vocational training courses for their respective institutions to offer. New MSc curricula/courses developed incorporating internship programmes for each partner institution. Similarly, new vocational training courses have been developed and offered. A Virtual eLearning platform (VLE) has been developed to communicate, share courses, teaching materials and experiences.
WP3 - Academic staff training and preparation for delivery
For the courses developed, two delivery trainings were organized face-to-face in Thailand and Vietnam, and a virtual training for Indonesian teachers were organized along with developing a training manual. A testing period for new or improved existing courses were tried incorporating the courses already in the curricula,.
WP4 - Accreditation and delivery of the courses
Each partner university engaging in developing new curricula/courses took necessary actions to accredit/incorporate them in their MSc programs as a part of existing Master’s degree curricula. New curricula/courses developed based on the needs and improved delivery methods has been attracting more prospective students. Internship programme has also been helpful in providing field experience and opportunity to develop required skills.
Project team had a system of conducting internal and external quality control processes/systems to ensure all the Work-packages produce high quality outcomes. Final external evaluation was done by independent expert and financial auditing by an established firm.
WP6 - Dissemination and Exploitation
Brochures and flyers, both hard copies as well as soft copies, were produced. Project webpage and a social media pages were created to update activities and outputs/deliverables. An international conference (virtual) was organized inviting lecturers of universities from Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan in addition to the partner countries / institutions. More importantly, three experts from private companies and an independent / retired persons were asked to present their experiences about curricula.
WP7 - Management & Coordination
Overall management of project, activity planning, communication among partners and other stakeholders, and liaise with EU were done done by the Project Coordinator being based at AIT, Thailand.