Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS) is a curriculum development project co-funded by EU Erasmus+Programme to address the issue of sustainability of seafood production, supply and consumption through need-based higher education, and vocational training. The project is for 36 months starting from October 2017. It aims to build capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and strengthen linkages among institutions and individuals.
Project activities include inception workshop, identification of needs and gap analysis in existing aquaculture / fisheries curricula and development of new curricula for SSNS program. It also includes accreditation of curricula. Project outcomes and achievements will be disseminated organizing a symposium and made available online.

Curriculum Development
Sustainable Seafood & Nutrition Security (SSNS)

Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union
WP1 Gap analysis and Needs assessment
The aim of this work package was to survey and identify the existing programmes in Europe and Asia on aquaculture and fisheries food security, as well as similar lifelong-learning/VET training programmes. Additionally, some assessment of the employment needs of aquaculture and fisheries industry in VN, ID and TH was done. In this way, the project team hopes to have in a position to better assess the availability of existing courses and labour needs in the region and thereby create a truly new and innovative MSc programme that could apply know-how, best practices and processes from European HEIs thus filling the gap and addressing the regions academic needs and needs in specialised personnel.
As a part of the WP1, Asian HEIs have identified similar programmes in the subject area from their countries and the wider region in order to identify the gaps and better assess the exact academic needs that have to be catered for by SSNS. This process will help ascertain that the SSNS programme will not cover existing curricula and will be truly innovative. The activity was carried out through desk research to be coordinated by one HEI for each partner country.
At the same time, European HEIs also have identified similar MSc programmes in aquaculture and fisheries food security from Europe. This was done so that the various formats and curricula offered on the subject area as well as relevant best practices can be taken into account when developing the SSNS MSc programme. The activity was carried with desk research which was coordinated by NTNU for the Scandinavian region and Eastern Europe, UStir in the UK and western Europe and UTH for the Balkans and the Mediterranean region. In addition, a primary research was done using questionnaire survey that was developed and administered to 30 expert academics from each of the above group of regions (over 100 academics) that offered their inputs in what was the ideal way to structure the MSc programme and what best practices to include.
Outcome of this work package can be downloaded with the links attached below